Sunday, October 21, 2007

A different lesson in care and feeding of Kats...

The Morning is crucial.

I'm super stupid in the morning. So stupid that I recently ate almost an entire bowl of granola before realizing that it tasted like sour cream. That kind of stupid. Sometimes people suggest I make eggs for breakfast for the protein. These are never the people who've seen me first thing in the AM - people who've seen KNOW that I can't be trusted with hot things (or knives) early in the AM!.

I have to eat FIRST THING. Alright.. I can pee first. But that is IT. I get up, pour a bowl of non-sugared cereal (usually bite size shredded wheat or granola), and eat.

If there's adrenaline involved (if I say, wake up 15 mins before I'm supposed to be AT work..), I can get away with a bit more, but I'll still feel "off" all day.

I usually get up around 7 am. Today my housemate woke me up at 12:40, because she knew I needed to eat. I'd needed the sleep, and my body would have gladly slept another 2 hours (I'd already slept at least 10..), but I got up. And it was already too late. I had shredded wheat immediately, struggled to open a window, then HAD to make myself eggs because I could already feel the blood sugar plummeting. Two hours later, I was overdue for food again.

So, in addition to losing several hours to "over" sleeping, I lost about 3 to the general fatigue etc. of low blood sugar.

I suppose it's a bit of a blessing that I have to be out of the house by 10 tomorrow AM - It's already late enough that I suspect I'd gladly (if stupidly) sleep until noon again!


Unknown said...

Kat, When it comes to eggs in the morning I go for hard boiled. The night before I boil half a dozen at a time. when they are done and cooled I put them in the fridge. That way in the mornig I have an egg ready to go. No mess no burnt hands. I know this may not be that helpful on the grand menu. but it saves me a little time in the morning. (and with ADD anytime I can save is one less thing for me to worry about.)

Kat said...

It's a great idea.. but I just can't eat eggs like that. I couldn't eat plain eggs at all until I started forcing them down in desperation about a year ago. Now I can eat fried eggs (provided that they're still hot and crunchy with salt), but I still don't think I could manage hard boiled!

If I could somehow hard boil them with the yolk and white mixing, that might work....